
9th International Symposium on
Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG9)

June 21-23, 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands



9th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG9)

June 21-23, 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

NCGG7 - 7th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases

Innovations for a Sustainable Future

November 5-7, 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Presentations Keynote Speakers and Photos online>>



Non-CO2 greenhouse gases include many substances, such as methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorocarbons (CFCs, HFCs, SF6, etc), black carbon, aerosols, and tropospheric ozone (O3). These contribute significantly to climate forcing. Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions is often more cost-effective than reducing CO2 emissions.

The scope of NCGG8 will be global challenges, and local solutions. The NCGG conferences pay attention to:

  • sources, sinks, and atmospheric processes of non-CO2 greenhouse gases;
  • mitigation options and emission reduction technologies and practices;
  • policies and measures, both in the public and private sectors; and
  • the science-policy-industry interface

Specific issues to be addressed at NCGG7 will include

  • Nitrogen-carbon cycling and interactions;
  • Short-lived climate forcers;
  • Air pollution versus climate change;
  • New emission reduction technologies;
  • The effectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol;
  • Policies on F-gases;
  • Corporate responsibility;
  • Short-term policies and long term policy objectives;
  • Action research and participatory integrated assessment;
  • Innovations for sustainable development.



We will invite submission of papers with respect to four themes, covering causes, effects and solutions of the environmental problems associated with non-CO2 greenhouse gases. These papers may report on science (from natural, social, technological or integrated sciences) and policy. 

Themes NCGG7Theme 1: Integration and Innovation

Theme 1, is the overarching theme of NCGG7 and aims at the integration and innovation. We seek for integration of innovative studies of sources of non-CO2 greenhouse gases, their effects and strategies to reduce these effects. This theme reflects in fact the overall aim of the conference: to synthesize new knowledge on non-CO2 greenhouse gases, in order to come to more effective solutions. Theme 1 includes contributions from Integrated Assessment studies, multi-and interdisciplinary approaches as well as transdisciplinary sciences. We particularly welcome contributions from the science-policy interface, and on corporate responsibility.

Theme 2: Sources, Sinks and Inventories  

Theme 2 will concentrate on sources, sinks and inventories, including innovations in emissions monitoring and reporting and verification of emission data. Papers presented in this theme will mostly be from the natural and technology sciences, although we also welcome contributions from integrated studies under this theme.

Theme 3: Atmospheric processes

Theme 3 will concentrate on atmospheric processes, and in particular on the physics and chemistry related to the radiative aspects of the atmosphere, including monitoring of concentrations of non-CO2 greenhouse gases, atmospheric processes including the relations between greenhouse gases and other air pollutants (e.g. aerosols). Contributions to this theme may include innovations in models and in atmospheric measurements.

Theme 4: Policy Implementation 

Theme 4,  will concentrate on policy implementation, including mitigation and adaptation. Policy and implementation issues may include assessments of implementation programs for reduction of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions and innovative approaches in policy implementations. Contributions within this theme will be from both natural sciences (e.g. reporting on new emission reduction technologies) and social sciences (e.g. on the economic or institutional feasibility of environmental measures). Contributions on technological issues and industries’ perspectives are welcomed, as well as discussions on the realization of policies.

Flyer ÑCGG7

NCGG7 is organized by:


Dutch Association of Environmental Professionals

Logo OU

In Cooperation with:


Logo WUR


Organizing Committee

NCGG7 Coordinator:

Carolien Kroeze, Wageningen University / Open University (NCGG7 Coordinator)

Other members: 

  • Mathieu Dumont, AgentschapNL
  • Rachel Heijne, VVM
  • Arjan Hensen, ECN
  • Marianne Koedoot, VVM
  • Tinus Pulles, VVM
  • Sybil Seitzinger, IGBP
  • André Van Amstel, Wageningen University
  • Folkert Van der Molen, Royal Haskoning DHV
  • Peter Van Velthoven, KNMI
  • Herman Walthaus, Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment

Conference Committee

  • Kornelis Blok Utrecht Univeristy, The Netherlans 
  • Philippe Ciais LSCE, France 
  • Harry Clark New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre, New Zealand 
  • Cecile De Klein AgResearch, New Zealand 
  • Frank Dentener Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ispra, Italy 
  • Han  Dolman VU University, The Netherlands 
  • Thor Endre ABB AS, Norway 
  • Pamela Franklin US-EPA, USA 
  • Annette Freibauer Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, Germany
  • Jan Fuglestvedt CICERO, Norway 
  • Joyeeta Gupta VU University, The Netherlands 
  • Jochen Harnisch KFW Development Bank, Germany 
  • Leen Hordijk Wageningen University, The Nehterlands 
  • Bill Irving US-EPA, USA 
  • Zig Klimont IIASA, Austria 
  • Maarten Krol Wageningen University, The Netherlands 
  • Rik Leemans Wageningen University, The Netherlands 
  • Adrian Leip Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ispra, Italy 
  • Pieternel Levelt KNMI, The Netherlands 
  • Michaela Maione Universita degli Studi Carlo Bo, Italy 
  • Mack McFarland Dupont Fluoroproducts, USA 
  • Javier Pérez Ramirez ETH, Switzerland 
  • Ludwig Ries Federal Environment Agency of Germany, Germany 
  • Thomas Ròckmann Utrecht Univeristy, The Netherlans 
  • Dale Rothman Pardee Center for International Futures, USA 
  • Martin Schultz Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 
  • Ute Skiba  Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK 
  • Rob Sturgiss Department of Climate Change, Australia 
  • Harry Thewissen  NXP Semiconductors, The Netherlands 
  • Han  Van Dop Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht, The Netherlands 
  • Peter Van Velthoven KNMI, The Netherlands 
  • Theun Vellinga Wageningen University, The Netherlands 
  • Jawjit Warit Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand 
  • Budi Widianarko UNIKA, Indonesia 
  • Wilfried Winniwarter IIASA, Austria

Latest News

Conference diner & excursion

Date: 01 June 2023
Conference Diner Have you already registered for the conference dinner on the first day of NCGG9?Join us at De Vergulden Eenhoorn on Wednesday 21s... Read more

To news archive

In cooperation with

Water Systems and Global Change Group, Wageningen University & Research
WIMEK Graduate School 


Symposium Secretariat

NCGG9 is organized by:


p/a UCo
2e Daalsedijk 6a
The Netherlands

T +31 (0)30 - 232 29 89
E eciffo.[antispam].@ncgg.info



Stichting MilCon (Foundation for Environmental Congresses, a separate legal entity that is linked to VVM) is responsible for the logistic and financial management of NCGG9. The contents of the symposium is the responsibility of VVM and its co-organisers. Logistic services for NCGG9 will be provided by the VVM-bureau.